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Tag: fact

March 16, 2021

Animal Fact Guide Giraffe

A giraffe’s foot are about the size of a dinner plate (about 30cm (12in) across). Giraffes eat most of the time and, like cows, regurgitate food and chew it as cud. I love u so much giraffe!!! Giraffe pictures, Cute wild *this post contains affiliate links. Animal fact guide giraffe. However, they run in a […]

March 2, 2021

Animal Fact Guide Great White Shark

In fact, as of 2012 there 272 documented unprovoked great white shark bite incidents on humans. A fun fact about great white sharks is that they can jump to a massive 10 feet above the water surface to catch and kill their prey, this behavior is known as “breaching”. Image result for oceanic white tip […]

January 27, 2021

Animal Fact Guide Red Panda

Currently, red pandas live in the eastern himalayas. The western red panda (a. Please follow iloveredpandas Blep. redpanda panda The picture below was taken at the red panda exhibit at the bronx zoo. Animal fact guide red panda. But now that we know better (after scientific studies, of course), they are placed within a separate […]

December 19, 2020

Animal Fact Guide Lions

In fact, lions are part of the iucn red list. They will perform peaceful tactile actions such as licking each other and rubbing heads. Lions Head to Head Animals wild, Animals, Lion When did the lion become endangered? Animal fact guide lions. Then test your knowledge with our fun, free animal quizzes! In the wild, […]

October 10, 2020

Animal Fact Guide Polar Bear

Sea ice is the key habitat for the polar bear providing dens, hunting grounds, and means of travel. They are the largest land carnivores on the planet, rivaled only by the kodiak brown bears that are found in the southwestern portion of alaska, canada, greenland, norway and russia. This polar bear posed for a photo […]

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